Storyboards and layouts- Jack Daniels & Hennessy
David Bowie-Pinups
At the races- Illustration
Lighthouse Poster Illustrations
Ilustration for Weirhope Brewing Company POS
Shotlist and Line boards
Dublin Airport Authority
Storyboards- Various frames
Storyboard- Lidl -Women's GAA Sponsorship Campaign
Storyboard- MiWadi
Throne of Blood poster
Layouts- Aviva Health Concept layouts
Musicians-Illustration 2
Croke Park/ GAA poster layouts
Guinness GAA
Trade Stand Layouts
Dunnes Stores budget label TV storyboard
'Vikings'- TV drama series storyboards
Goodfellas layout
Aviva Campaign
Shakespeare plays
New York Acrylics 1
Tyrants, Thugs and Despots
Angouleme 2014
Dunnes Stores TV Campaign
Illustrations for a series on Irish pubs
McDonalds TV Campaign
Harp POS promotional
ESB/ Electric Ireland Christmas Campaign
Vodafone Trade Stand
TV Storyboards for Bell Foods, Switzerland
Guinness Rugby
Trocaire Storyboard for Christmas campaign
Road Safety TV Campaign
Storyboards/ illustration
Aviva-soccer sponsorship Press
Storyboard for Dairygold Butter
Carlsberg Euro 2012 48 sheet campaign layouts
Bank of Ireland Savings
National Lottery Storyboard
Guinness press layout
Irish Distillers Storyboard
ESB/ Electric Ireland Storyboard
Layouts for new residential development
Loose Guinness layouts
ESB/ Electric Ireland TV Storyboards
Aviva TV Campaign Storyboard
Coors - TV and 48 sheet campaign
Irish Tourist Board/ Golf Ireland campaign
Guinness 48 Sheet posters - rough layouts
Storyboards and layouts- Jack Daniels & Hennessy
David Bowie-Pinups
At the races- Illustration
Lighthouse Poster Illustrations
Ilustration for Weirhope Brewing Company POS
Shotlist and Line boards
Dublin Airport Authority
Storyboards- Various frames
Storyboard- Lidl -Women's GAA Sponsorship Campaign
Storyboard- MiWadi
Throne of Blood poster
Layouts- Aviva Health Concept layouts
Musicians-Illustration 2
Croke Park/ GAA poster layouts
Guinness GAA
Trade Stand Layouts
Dunnes Stores budget label TV storyboard
'Vikings'- TV drama series storyboards
Goodfellas layout
Aviva Campaign
Shakespeare plays
New York Acrylics 1
Tyrants, Thugs and Despots
Angouleme 2014
Dunnes Stores TV Campaign
Illustrations for a series on Irish pubs
McDonalds TV Campaign
Harp POS promotional
ESB/ Electric Ireland Christmas Campaign
Vodafone Trade Stand
TV Storyboards for Bell Foods, Switzerland
Guinness Rugby
Trocaire Storyboard for Christmas campaign
Road Safety TV Campaign
Storyboards/ illustration
Aviva-soccer sponsorship Press
Storyboard for Dairygold Butter
Carlsberg Euro 2012 48 sheet campaign layouts
Bank of Ireland Savings
National Lottery Storyboard
Guinness press layout
Irish Distillers Storyboard
ESB/ Electric Ireland Storyboard
Layouts for new residential development
Loose Guinness layouts
ESB/ Electric Ireland TV Storyboards
Aviva TV Campaign Storyboard
Coors - TV and 48 sheet campaign
Irish Tourist Board/ Golf Ireland campaign
Guinness 48 Sheet posters - rough layouts
David Bowie-Pinups
Three of my posters from the Dublin Bowie Festival "Pinups" exhibition - Loving the Alien, Blackstar and Warzsawa..
They're available to buy here:
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Insert copy here, which should vary depending on your region.